Two decades of livestock education
Working as young contract livestock handlers Sean and Evonne quickly came to appreciate the value of well-educated livestock with the use of well-bred working dogs. In 1997 they developed their own business called The Black Dog Livestock Education Program.
In the years since, Sean and Evonne have bred and rigorously trained their own Blackdog Kelpies which they have used to great success in Livestock Education and at clinics they have conducted across Australia and overseas. Today the Blackdog Kelpies work with Sean and Evonne at Konjuli, helping produce a herd of well-educated easily managed cattle. These days everyone will always tell you that their cattle are well educated. Konjuli cattle really are!


Black Dog Flash (Sasha)

Black Dog Captain

Sean 0427 740 994
Evonne 0417 905 488
4856 Brooweena-Woolooga Rd
Woolooga QUEENSLAND 4570