Sean and Evonne Barrett and their daughters, Grace and Jade, attended the Droughtmaster National Bull Sale in Gracemere on 12th and 13th Sept. They took with them four Konjuli bulls – Konjuli Jarrah, Konjuli Justified, Konjuli Josh and Konjuli Jericho.
Over the two days 532 bulls offered for sale from a wide range of studs from across Australia averaging $9,710 and a top of $135,00 for the prize bull of the sale. The sale grossed over $4.5million with a 92% clearance rate.
Excellent results saw Konjuli sell all four bulls at the Droughtmaster National Sale to average $6,250 with a top of $7500 for Lot 40 Konjuli Jarrah.
Lot 37 Konjuli Justified was purchased by repeat buyer Alan & Abby Lucas Morinish for $6000

Jade and Evonne Barrett at the DN Bulls Sale in September
Lot 38 Konjuli Jericho was purchased by repeat buyer The Nobbies Trust Cloncurry for $6500
Lot 39 Konjuli Josh was purchased by VA Scott “Bellevue” Baralaba for $5000
Lot 40 Konjuli Jarrah was purchased by Junction Park Land Trust “Junction Park”
Baralaba for $7500