Konjuli Droughtmaster Stud is a family run property located near Woolooga in the Wide Bay Burnett region of South East Queensland. The family follow in a history of outstanding breeding of Droughtmaster stud and commercial cattle. From 1975 to 1978 Konjuli exhibited four grand champion bulls in a row at the Brisbane Ekka. They also exhibited numerous grand champion females. Today Konjuli continue to breed purposeful Droughtmaster cattle. Their cattle are well developed, well educated and excel in all environments.
At Konjuli, we produce quality droughtmaster bulls at reasonable prices.
Konjuli Cattle are proven to be successful in any environment, and in any market.
The Konjuli breed today follows a heritage of outstanding breeding dating back to the 1940s.
Sean and Evonne Barrett represent the fourth generation of Droughtmaster breeding at Konjuli
Konjuli recognise the merits of providing scientific evaluation to their breeding via EBVs
Our well-educated Droughtmaster cattle would not be what they are without the working dogs we breed.
“The first cattle we ever bought were eleven steers from Sean and Evone Barrett at Konjuli. We had no experience and were looking for cattle that two novices could handle easily. Evonne and Sean invited us out to their property to show us the boys and how they work them in the yards using low stress handling techniques. Because they had been handled this way they were quiet and easy for us to work them in the yards.
This year we wanted to build up our herd again and only wanted Konjuli cattle. We bought 31 Konjuli weaner steers and again, they are quality cattle with nice natures and easy to move through yards to vaccinate or move through grazing cells. It reduces our work time with them, is low stress for everyone and we get to enjoy the boys.”
Sean 0427 740 994
Evonne 0417 905 488
4856 Brooweena-Woolooga Rd
Woolooga QUEENSLAND 4570